267% Price Increase for Ampligen

267% ??????

Thoughts About M.E.

I just sent the following message regarding Hemispherx’s extraordinary 267% price increase for Ampligen to Dr. Janet Woodcock, the FDA’s Director of the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research:

Dear Dr. Woodcock,

I am writing to you regarding a matter of grave concern for the patients in Hemispherx Biopharma, Inc.’s (“HEB”) AMP-511 open-label clinical trial for Ampligen, a drug highly effective for many ME (or as the FDA calls it “ME/CFS”) patients. I have testified at the Ampligen Advisory Committee meeting and other federal committee meetings in favor of FDA approval of the drug and I remain convinced that this drug should be approved by the FDA without further delay because many patients would benefit from it and because there are no other FDA-approved pharmaceutical interventions for ME.

I have been a study participant for over three years. Last night, I learned through ME Action’s blog (http://www.meaction.net/2015/08/10/ampligen-price-increases-substantially-available-soon-in-europe/) that the…

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About The Other Side Of The Stretcher

Nurse turned patient, but not by choice. I was became a Registered Nurse in 1985 when I was 21 years old. That career was cut short the end of 1994 when I was unable to work anymore because of the illness M.E. or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. I have 3 adult children including twins, A daughter and 2 sons. View all posts by The Other Side Of The Stretcher

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