Tag Archives: Hospice

One More Update



One More Update from Brooke.

Her doctor was able to get hospice care reinstated for her for 60 days.

Today, we live in a time where, being sick is not acceptable, and people who have misunderstood chronic illnesses, there aren’t many medical practitioners who are cut out to care for them.  Not only not cut out to care for them, they have no compassion and pass the patients off as depressed.

Today, it seems as if you don’t have something like cancer or AIDS, your illness doesn’t qualify, as in Brooke’s case, her hospice care was discontinued because she wasn’t “considered to be dying.”  That’s just so awful.

People with chronic illness who are basically living a “living death”, there are no words because I can’t even think of the words because I’m one of those people.  I know I myself will probably die alone, no hospice, no support, nothing.  And I know there is nothing I can do about it. I have come to accept it because unfortunately that’s the way it is.

I ask everyone to pray for peace and comfort for Brooke during this time.


Documenting M.E.

Dear Friends,

Recently there have been a lot of questions in the community about what has happened to me and where I am with things. I am now very near the end of life, and writing posts has become next to impossible, but I wanted to try to get one more out. This post will be written in many parts, and may seem rough around the edges, but it is the best that I can do at this point. I know you will understand.

First, regarding care. My initial reevaluation for hospice care was denied – in part due to misinformation coming from the whole CFS mixup. After this, my doctor agreed to treat me himself, without the aid of nurses since he couldn’t find a way to get any into the home. Things began going downhill so fast, however, that he recently talked the hospice team into readmitting me…

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